Wulfman’s CDT-14K
To register, click the RunSignUp icon shown above.

Every continent except Antarctica has a continental divide. In North America the divide runs from northwestern Canada along the crest of the Rocky Mountains to Mexico’s Sierra Madre Occidental, and it is generally the line that divides the flow of water between the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean.
In 1968 a federal plan for the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail (CDT) was mandated, and today, construction of the CDT is estimated to be 95% complete.
The 14 Butte-iful kilometers along the CDT between Montana’s Homestake and Pipestone passes in Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest are completed, and that section offers scenic vistas with majestic rock formations. This race along that route celebrates the trail and the memory of one of its greatest local proponents — the late John “the Wulfman” Wulf, who was the God Father of Butte’s Piss & Moan Runners. The race is run on Summer Solstice Saturday, the anniversary of the Wulfman’s last group run.
Race proceeds are used to help build and improve trails in southwest Montana.
We Piss & Moan Runners promise our best in creating a race experience that is challenging, memorable and fun for runners of all ages and abilities!!
Race Emails
Email #1 (June 15th)
The Wulfman team looks forward to hosting you on June 22, 2024. Information regarding cancellations, parking, directions, the amazing trail, and essential honey buckets is provided below.
First things first, let’s address cancellations. The race is full, which means if you cannot attend we prefer that you cancel and let a waiting runner in. Please let us know if you cannot run, and we’ll remove your registration. Our refund cut-off has passed, but a cancellation at this time may allow another runner to race and improves our seeding process.
If you need to change your estimated time, use the RunSignUp website. https://runsignup.com/Race/MT/Butte/WulfmansCDT14K For perspective, the fastest times ever run on this course are just under an hour. That is smoking fast, and hasn’t been done from the Homestake starting line for years. Remember, this estimate dictates where you are seeded at the start. The fastest runners start at the front. If you want to revisit your estimated time, login to RunSignUp and go to your Upcoming Events / Manage Registration / then choose Questions. There you can modify your estimated time, then check Update Responses. The deadline for modifying estimated time is midnight on Monday, June 17, 2024.
To find Wulfman’s race site, exit I-90 at Homestake Pass, Exit #233. Follow the signs and the directions of our volunteer parking attendants to designated parking NORTH of I-90. There you will find posted starting times and volunteers distributing race packets which will include your race number and bib chip.
Do not park near an I-90 entrance or exit ramp at any time. Our relationship with the MT highway department depends on your cooperation. We use the south side of I-90 near the starting line for emergency vehicles, porta-potties, and other needs. Please cross to the north side of I-90 to park.
Please be conscientious if you take a vehicle to Pipestone pass. Busses and emergency vehicles need to be able to enter and exit the parking area and navigate the corners of the road without obstruction.
The section of CDT you’ll be traversing is currently clear of snow and deadfall. Conditions are perfect but are subject to change, especially because there is a winter storm warning on Monday & Tuesday of this coming week.
The legendary Wulfman owned his own miniature “honey bucket” toilet and he rarely traveled far without it, but we don’t expect you to match his high standard. There will be porta-john’s in the parking lot, at the start line, at the finish, and at the post-race picnic. Remember that our Golden VIPs may cut directly to the front of the bathroom lines.
We would like to take this opportunity to begin thanking a few of our partners. This event would not be possible without the help of fine, local folks such as those at U.S.F.S. Beaverhead Deerlodge National Forest, and Water & Environmental Technologies. Their generosity, along with that of numerous others is greatly appreciated.
That is all for now. More information will follow in the next couple of days.
Email #2 (June 17th)
The following has before the start, at the start, during the race, and after the race information that you’ll want to read, especially if you’ve never participated in this event.
You will pick up your packet with your number in the parking area that is across the interstate from the start line. Make sure your number is visible to those of us who help herd and sort you into order. It makes everything go a little more smoothly when we can read your bib number. We will have a silver Toyota gear truck near the start, so if you want to send a gear bag with snacks or layers to be available when you finish, you will drop those items in the truck. Be sure to pick up the items when you finish.
Wulfman’s CDT-14K uses a time-trial format to help avoid crowding and bumping on the narrow trail. Each of you will be seeded with a starting time based on your self-predicted finish time. “Hares” go off first, with “porcupines” following to minimize the need for passing. Your race number will double as your starting time. The first runner to start will have the number “8:00:00” and that speed demon will set off at exactly 8 a.m. Another runner will start every 10 seconds thereafter. If your number reads “8:18:40” it means that your race time will start ticking at exactly 18 minutes and 40 seconds after 8 a.m. The clock will run whether or not you are physically in the starting chute. If you miss your start time, you may start as soon as you can safely access the trail without disrupting other starters. We will not attempt to correct times for late starters. 200 runners will be on the trail within 35 minutes, which means the process moves swiftly. You will be instructed to line up in race number order. You should be near the start, with eyes and ears wide open as your start time approaches. We will assist in lining up runners. A list of start times will be available a few days prior to the race. The same lists will be posted on the bulletin board in Homestake’s NORTH parking lot on race morning, and will be available at the packet pick up. At the starting line you will be cued by a display clock that will be counting off the time of day, and at the same moment when your start time shows on the clock, your official start signal will be produced by an automated device that beeps and flashes green. Pay attention to the herders and the runners starting before you so that you understand what you should do, and when you should do it.
If seeding has placed you ahead of someone who is ready to pass you, let him or her safely pass by. If you choose to listen to a music device while touring the CDT’s tranquility, then please keep one ear free and stay alert for runners needing to pass. If you find you need to pass a runner and they have not moved aside, call out on which side you are passing and move through.
Busses will be waiting at the finish line to transport you back to your vehicle at the start. Your gear bag (don’t forget to retrieve it!) and refreshments will be available before you board, as well as a few porta-johns. We have added a bus this year so that there will always be a bus loading. Again, this event would not be possible without the generosity and support of our partners. PULSE Jefferson Valley EMS&R, Harlow Bussing, and Hoffman’s R&M help us keep you safe and comfortable. Their support and efforts are appreciated!
Email #3 (June 18)
Below you will find useful information regarding trail etiquette, runner accountability, and on-course assistance.
The seeding list for runners will be sent out on Wednesday, and will also be available at packet pickup beginning at 06:45 on race morning. The Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest asks us to remind runners that trail etiquette requires you to yield to horseback riders. The trail is not closed during our event, so you may encounter other users. If you meet horseback riders, you must stop and move off to the downhill side of the trail to not scare the horse or cause potential safety issues.
Although the Wulfman was rarely seen without his faithful four-legged companions, he would have secured his dogs away from the runners at an event like this. Dogs are not allowed in this race.
Be safe and accountable if you do not finish Wulfman’s CDT-14K. No matter which end of the trail you exit, you must check in your race number with a race official so that we know that you made it out. Otherwise we will notice that you are missing, and we will form a search party to look for you.
Please do not venture away from the trail. The trail follows a relatively uncomplicated single-track route and your way will be clearly marked, but it is still possible to get lost or injured. You may need assistance while on the course. The aid station will be equipped with water, minor first aid, and a cell phone. There will be Jefferson Valley EMS&R ambulances at both the start and finish.
There will be additional course monitors floating to places where they are most likely needed. They will be able to contact an ambulance service if necessary. There will be “sweepers” on the trail, and they will offer assistance if needed.
In the days before this trail existed, the playful Wulfman explained to his “followers” how to successfully navigate the long version of the route, then he secretly veered onto a shorter route. Once at the top, Wulfman rested and waited to surprise his faster companions. The Wulfman could be sneaky, but you can’t. You will not be listed in results if you are witnessed leaving the course and gaining an advantage over your fellow runners. Your way will be marked, but should you find that you have mistakenly left the trail, you must return to the point that you got off course before proceeding. To do otherwise is absolute grounds for disqualification, and we know from experience that this type of DQ is unpleasant for all involved.
Again, this event would not be possible without the generosity of our partners. We would like to take this opportunity to show our thanks to more fine local businesses such as Butte Sunrise Kiwanis, Headframe Spirits, and Butte Brewing Company. Their support is appreciated!
Email #4 (June 20) – Start Time List
Below, you will find useful information regarding a I-90 overpass update, post-race picnic directions, and awards ceremony.
If you are exiting I-90 from Butte, please note that the interstate overpass is limited to one lane. Please drive slowly and cautiously crossing the overpass, because runners will be walking from their vehicles to the race start as drivers make their way to park.
Wulfman’s CDT-14K will be followed immediately by a picnic, prize drawing, and awards ceremony that you will not want to miss. It all happens at the High Altitude Center, beginning as runners arrive from ~10:30 a.m. until ~1:30 p.m.
After your return bus ride from Pipestone Pass to your vehicle at Homestake Pass, it is about 4 miles down I-90 to the High Altitude Speed Skating Center. There is plenty of parking for a crowd of our size. The address is 34 Olympic Way, Butte MT, 59701. There will be seating inside where food will be served and, assuming the weather cooperates, we will also pull benches outside. The facilities are limited. There are no public restrooms, so we’ll have a few port-a-johns, a hand washing station, and hand sanitizer. There is grass in the center of the skate circle, so feel free to bring your picnic blanket, chairs, etc. We will have our homemade chili and cornbread, homemade cookies, and beverages.
Directions: Take the entrance ramp onto I-90 heading to Butte. You’ll exit at Continental which is near the bottom of the pass. Turn left, go over the interstate, straight through the stop sign then take a right on Three Bears Way. Three Bears Way will intersect with Olympic Way, and the building will be in front of you on the left. It is hard to miss, as there is a speed skating circle in the yard. Golden VIP’s will enjoy premium parking spots.
Preliminary race results will be posted ~11 a.m at the picnic, about the same time that runners begin to arrive. The timing crew will compile the results and send from the finish line and over the mountains. The awards ceremony will start around noon with awards and random prizes given out as you feast on complimentary picnic fare. You must be present at the awards ceremony to win any prize or award.
We do allow double or even triple dipping for awards. For example, if a 50 year old man won the race outright, he would be awarded the first place prize for men in the overall, 40-50 year age group, and possibly also the age-adjusted category.
Again, this event would not be possible without the generosity of our partners. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank more fine local businesses such as 5518 Designs, Recreate Climbing & Fitness, Metals Sports Bar, Dr. James Hueftle, Thrive Health Food Store for Pets, and Newland & Co. PC Their support is appreciated.